Pastor's Richard & Beth Kope

They spent 3 years in Pasadena, California in preparation to serve the church and fulfill a new vision and responsibility given by the Lord.

Pastors Richard and Beth founded Chinook Winds Christian Centre in Didsbury, Alberta, Canada in 1984 after receiving a call from God to the ministry. The name of the church changed and was registered on February 25, 2014 as Venue Church, Mountain View with the government of Alberta in Canada. Their son Corey and his wife Erin now pastor Venue Church in Airdrie, Alberta 

 Richard was raised on a farm by his parents, and then became an active business man for over 12 years. Beth’s background was also in a farming community; her career was in teaching and after having 2 children she chose to be a homemaker.  They spent 3 years in Pasadena, California in preparation to serve the church and fulfill a new vision and responsibility given by the Lord. Then they moved back to Canada with their 2 young sons to launch the current ministry in Didsbury, in 1984. 

Pastor Richard & Beth ministry

Pastor Richard loves to minister at conferences for all Christian churches and leaders, and is a spiritual fatherto numerous pastors in foreign countries.

Their desire was to establish a solid church built on Christ, with emphasis on Spirit- anointed worship, preaching and teaching the Word of Truth, training their flock in effective body ministry, dynamic children’s and youth ministry, evangelizing the com-munity, and taking their people to serve God in foreign countries. Their goal is to set people free through the power of the Scriptures and a relationship with Christ. 

The Kopes have been travelling to Africa since 1988, spending most of their time there in Kenya and Uganda, and lately in Ethiopia.  Pastor Richard loves to minister at conferences for all Christian churches and leaders, and is a spiritual father to numerous pastors in foreign countries. Pastor Beth also teaches and ministers prophetically, and is a motivating teacher of leaders in children’s ministries. Their focus in the past few years has been primarily in the nation of Kenya. 

Ministry of Teaching & Prophecy

They have ministered in Eastern European countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Siberia, as well as in Sicily, Haiti, and the USA. Their current focus is mostly in Cuba. 

 The Kopes have worked with their church members in missions in Ethiopia, Haiti, Uganda, and Kenya, usually serving people through the ministry of the local churches in those respective countries. 

Pastor Richard  enjoys speaking on topics like  “Integrity in Ministry,”  “The Power of Forgive-ness,”  “Baptism of Love and Power,”  “Helps Ministry,”  and “The Armourbearer.”   The Kope’s sometimes team teach on “Love, Marriage, and Partnership in Ministry.” 

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